
Simple boilerplate for building Backend services like ExpressJS with GOFIBER ⚡️

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FotonGo ☕️⚡️

Simple boilerplate for building Backend services like ExpressJS with GOFIBER ⚡️


  • Clean Architecture
  • Auto Generate Unit Testing Report
  • Auto Generate Swagger Docs
  • Auto Gen Depedency Injection with Google Wire
  • Schema First Data Model with Prisma
  • Versioning system for Database Migration with Bytebase
  • Seperate route and handler
  • Seperate Env config
  • Database connection with best practice (conn pool)
  • Custom sample middleware
  • JWT Integration & sample


  1. Clone repositories
$ git clone
  1. Copy sample env
$ cp .env.example .env
  1. Run in your local machine (Unix / Linux / Windows)
$ make run-local



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