Pointzo : Point of sales app

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Table Of Contents


This is a simple point of sales web application made with reactjs, Argon ui kit with beautiful design.



  • Manage Product (CRUD)
  • Chart statistics of Revenue
  • Fancy UI Design
  • Smooth animation UI
  • Simple Add to cart
  • Order product
  • History of order
  • Authentication with JWT


Related Projects

This project is related to several platforms


1. Clone Repo

clone the repository

$ git clone https://github.com/fachryansyah/point-of-sale-frontend
$ cd point-of-sale-frontend
Install Depedencies

Install requirement depedencies

$ npm install
Setup Environment

Before start server development or build for production, you should create new .env file, edit BASE_URL_API variable to backend server. you can found the backend server here.. https://github.com/fachryansyah/point-of-sale-backend

Run server development

if you want start on development mode.

$ npm start
Build For Production

build for production ready, and host ready

$ npm run build


List of depedencies using in this project

Plugin Description
ReactJS JavaScript library for building user interfaces
Axios HTTP client for request API
Bootstrap CSS Framework
Chart.js For Report Statistics
Moment Manipulate time
Redux Global State Management
Redux Promise Middleware Promise handler for react redux
React Shimmer Effect Create Shimmer Effect when Loading
React Toastify Show Notify in React App



@2019 - Fahriansyah