
Container cloud

Primary LanguageGo

Container cloud

Container cloud (CC) is a work-in-progress. I am not sure what it is and it will probably die after a few commits. However, hey, it's fun playing with stuff. PS: The name 'container cloud' was chosen in case this thing becomes a thing and it needs a name that will distinguish it from other things.



Technologies you would like to try

  • DHT or Gossip or Tracker
  • Flanner: For container-to-container networking
  • gRPC: For communication between components
  • LVM: For container volumes
  • WebSockets: For transmitting the output through HTTP
  • Nftables: For container firewall
  • UnP: For container firewall and port forwarding


List of concepts mentioned bellow:

  • Container: a containerized process.
  • Hosts: a machine that runs containers.
  • Availability zone: a physical location that contains multiple hosts.
  • VPC: a local subnet in an availability zone that can be used by multiple containers guaranteeing high network performance.
  • Volume: a data volume that is attached and used by multiple containers in the same host. A volume can be persistent (will survive losing the host) or ephemeral.

Simplifying the prototype

To simplify the prototype following shortcuts are taken:

  1. All the volumes are formatted in ext4.

The cc CLI

All cc commands can receive the authentication details as:

  • Endpoint URL: --cc-endpoint-url or CC_ENDPOINT_URL environment variable
  • Access token: --cc-access-token or CC_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable
  • Secret key: --cc-secret-key or CC_SECRET_KEY environment variable

Create a VPC

Create a virtual private network within a host or a local cluster:

cc vpc create
  --cidr <CIDR>
  --name <Name>

List VPCs

cc vpc list

Delete VPC(s)

The command will fail if one ore more VPCs are in use. The command will succeed if non-existing or already deleted VPCs are provided.

cc vpc delete <ID> [...]

Create a volume

cc volume create
  --size <Size in bytes>
  --persistent <Set flag it the volume needs to be persistent>
  --name <Name>

List volumes

cc volume list

Delete volume(s)

The command will fail if one ore more volumes are in use. The command will succeed if non-existing or already deleted VPCs are provided.

cc volume delete <ID> [<ID> ...]

Create container

cc run
  --image <Image>
  --vpc <VPC ID>
  --volume <Volume ID>:<Path> [..]
  --memory <Memory in bytes>
  --cpu <CPU in shares>
  --disk <Disk size in bytes>
  --user <User to run command as>
  --env <Environment variables, format: name=value> [..]
  --dir <Directory to run the command in>
  <Path to command> [<Command argument> ...]

Get container status

cc status <Container ID> [...]

Get container metrics

cc metrics <Container ID> [...]

Create local-remote server

cc local-remote serve
  --container-id <Container ID>
  --container-port <Container port>
  --bind <Local bind address>