A docker image for MARS
After cloning this repo you can do
$ docker build -t mars .
$ docker run --rm -i -t mars
is for interactive, -t mars
specifiies the tag for the container, --rm
deletes the container after you are done.
If you want to build root
and Mars
with more than 1 core, use:
$ docker build --build-arg CORES=24 -t mars .
Mounting data volumes
To access raw data and write out analysis results, you weill probably need to mount volumes into the container.
This is done with the -v /path/on/your/machine:/path/in/docker/image
option to docker run
$ docker run -v /fact/raw:/fact/raw -v /gpfs1/scratch:/output --rm -i -t mars
Install on your host, this is tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and 17.04
First install the mandatory and optional dependencies of root
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y git dpkg-dev make g++ gcc binutils \
libx11-dev libxpm-dev libxft-dev libxext-dev htop \
build-essential curl gfortran libssl-dev libpcre3-dev \
xlibmesa-glu-dev libglew1.5-dev libftgl-dev \
libmysqlclient-dev libfftw3-dev libcfitsio-dev \
graphviz-dev libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev \
libldap2-dev python-dev libxml2-dev libkrb5-dev \
libgsl0-dev libqt4-dev cmake subversion libnova-dev vim
Then download and install anaconda:
curl -O -L
bash -p $HOME/.local/anaconda3 -b
$HOME/.local/anaconda3/bin/conda install libgcc=5
Download and unpack the root source of the v5-34-00-patches branch:
cd $HOME/.local
curl -L | tar xz
Make sure, that anaconda is not on your PATH
, as this will result in linking
against the wrong libraries during the ROOT build. E.g. by doing
export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
Create the root build directory, run cmake and build the project
mkdir root-5-34-anaconda3
cd root-5-34-anaconda3
cmake \
-D builtin_zlib=ON \
-D mathmore=ON \
-D minuit2=ON \
-D PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$HOME/.local/anaconda3/bin/python \
-D PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$HOME/.local/anaconda3/include/python3.6m \
-D PYTHON_LIBRARY=$HOME/.local/anaconda3/lib/ \
cmake --build . -- -j<number of cores your machine has>
source bin/
Download and install MARS
cd ..
svn checkout \ \
--trust-server-cert \
cd Mars
make mrproper
make -j7