The basics

  1. Visit
  2. Sign in with email and password password OR sign up with a different email and password.
  3. New flashcards can be created by clicking the big 'new flashcard' button. Existing flashcards can be flipped, edited, or destroyed.

The fun part

The creative feature I've included for this assignment is a rudimentary implementation of the 'spaced repetition' approach to learning with flashcards. I make use of the still-evolving Wep Push APIs, the job-scheduling framework, Sidekiq, and Heroku's Redis add-on to periodically, at random intervals hardcoded to be between 10 and 90 seconds, prod users to revisit the site. I was going for something like the Leitner system and wanted to incorporate little quizzes each time a user returned for their flashcards, but simply getting push notifications to work at all with my React-Rails setup proved to be pretty time-consuming. I wrote up a little summary of a quirk I discovered about the Notifications API here.

In any case, hit the big green button at the top left corner of the page ('Turn Push Notifications ON') to fire up the notifications machine! Realistically, I envision a setup where the time intervals are configurable by the user and also much longer (hours, even days), but I figure anyone playing with this demo wouldn't want to wait around that long.

For double the fun, open up a different browser and turn on notifcations there as well. Firefox, Chrome, or Opera should all work; Safari doesn't yet support the Push API. Probably no one needs this many notifications from the same app, but I think it's a neat proof-of-concept for the sorts of applications one could create with service workers and the ability to push content to users at will.

Running the app locally

This app was built using Ruby 2.6.3 and Rails 6.0.0.

  • Configuration
    There's a lot going on under the hood here, so stay tuned for a rundown of all the goodies! Now if only there were some way I could let you know when I've finished, some way I could notify you of my progress that would demand the absolute minimum effort on your part...

  • Database creation

$ bundle exec rails db:migrate
  • Database initialization
$ bundle exec rails db:seed
  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
$ redis-server
$ sidekiq -q default