
Flex for Apache Flink Release Artifacts

Primary LanguageClojureApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Flex for Apache Flink

Flex - The Ultimate Engineering Toolkit for Apache FlinkĀ®

See the Changelog for release information or our blog for full notes on each release and JAR artefacts.

Flex is an Enterprise-grade toolkit for engineers working with Apache Flink that:

  • Ships as a single docker-container or JAR file
  • You deploy and secure like any other Enterprise web-application
  • Runs air-gapped with all information stored within your cloud
  • Is trusted by the world's largest companies, from publishing to payments networks
  • Has a simple, transparent pricing structure
  • Is built and supported by an engineering-lead team deeply experienced in Flink delivery

The Flex image is available directly from Docker Hub. Images are built using GitHub Actions.


Visit our Get Started page to learn more about Flex.

Community Edition

The free version of Flex can be found here:

docker pull factorhouse/flex-ce:93.4

Standard and Enterprise Edition

Paying customers using the Standard or Enterprise Edition can use the following Docker image:

docker pull factorhouse/flex-ee:93.4


Flex's documentation is available at https://docs.factorhouse.io/flex-ee/


Flex is proprietary software.

Flex's EULA can be found in the GitHub repository or at https://factorhouse.io/flex/eula/

This repository is licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL-1.0)