The purpose of this project is to demostrate the use of TLDS.
For this demonstration we're using the SPARQL endpoint at The demo is online at
You can launch tlds-demo either with Java or with Docker.
Using our pre-built images:
docker run -p 5000:5000 --name tlds-demo factsmission/tlds-demo swissgeo-config-localhost.ttl
Access for example: http://localhost:5000/boundaries/municipality/261:2016
To build it yourself, for example after making changes to the renderers, execute:
docker build . -t tlds-demo
This builds an image called tlds-demo
so you'll want to run this image:
docker run -p 5000:5000 --name tlds-demo tlds-demo swissgeo-config-localhost.ttl
You need an executable jar of TLDS, to get one build TLDS with
In the directory containing tlds run
mvn install -P executable
Note that because this depends on an slds SNAPSHOT version you need to compile that first:
In the directory containing slds run
mvn install -P executable
Now you have an executable file name like tlds-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in the target folder. Execute that file from this directory with
java -jar <path-to-tlds>/target/tlds-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar swissgeo-config-localhost.ttl
Acces for example: http://localhost:5000/boundaries/municipality/261:2016