Telegram Bot Readme

Is compiling? Fly Deploy

This is a Telegram bot that can provide current weather information and memes.

Weather Functionality

(The default [city] is Buenos Aires)

To get current weather information for a specific city, use the following command:

/current [city]

Current weather example

To get the forecast for the next 3 days, use the following command:

/nextdays [city]

Forecast weather example

The bot will respond with the forecasted weather conditions for the next 3 days for the specified city.

Meme Functionality

To generate a handshake meme, use the following command:

/handshake a - b - c

You can replace "a", "b", and "c" with any words or phrases of your choosing to create a custom meme. The bot will respond with the handshake meme featuring your chosen words.


/handshake foo - bar - foobar


Two hands, left hand "foo" and right hand "bar" handshaking in "foobar"

More Info

This bot can be accessed at @hourlyweathercaba_bot in telegram. It's hosted in using permanent storage to open and send the photos.

To Do

  • Adding verification to view logs in telegram.
  • Adding more memes to a weather bot? probably.
  • Caching the "forecast" to avoid multiple identical calls to the weather API