
SpecFuzzer: A Tool for Inferring Class Specifications via Grammar-based Fuzzing

Primary LanguageJava

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SpecFuzzer is a tool for inferring class specifications of Java classes. Given a Java class and a test suite for it, SpecFuzzer uses a combination of grammar-based fuzzing, dynamic invariant detection and mutation analysis, to automatically infer class specifications for the given class. These specifications are essentially assertions related to specific program points, such as class invariants, preconditions and postconditions.

Check out our demo video!



Local installation

The installation requires downloading and installing SpecFuzzer, Daikon and Major. First, after cloning this repo, build the tool with the following command:

ant compile jar

Second, download and uncompress our Daikon version (including support for fuzzed specs).

Third, download and uncompress Major v1.3.4

Finally, set the following environment variables:

export SPECFUZZER=<working_dir>/specfuzzer
export DAIKONDIR=<working_dir>/daikon-5.8.2
export MAJOR_HOME=<working_dir>/major

Running SpecFuzzer on a simple example

SpecFuzzer takes as input a target Java class and a test suite for it. As an example, let's consider the following class and test suite included within SpecFuzzer:

  • target class: DataStructures.SortedList
  • target test suite: testers.SortedListTesterDriver

From these inputs, the execution of SpecFuzzer involvers the following steps:

Setup step

The setup simply sets the conditions for the next (inference) step, and can be performed as follows:

./specfuzzer.sh --setup build/classes DataStructures.SortedList DataStructures/SortedList.java testers.SortedListTesterDriver

This execution will perform the following tasks:

  1. The extraction of a grammar from the target class: .
  2. The execution of the test suite to obtain the execution traces in the dtrace format used by Daikon, our invariant detector.
  3. The generation of mutants with Major, and the execution of the test suite for each one of the mutants.

All related files will be saved on folder: output/DataStructures.SortedList/setup/.

Inference step

The inference step performs the actual inference of class specifications, and for the method insert can be performed as follows:

./specfuzzer.sh --infer build/classes DataStructures.SortedList testers.SortedListTesterDriver insert

This involves the execution of the assertion fuzzer to obtain candidate specifications, the execution of Daikon to determine de likely invariants, and the execution of the assertion selector to discard redundant/irrelevant assertions. During the execution of this step, relevant information will be reported, and at the end, the discovered class specifications will be saved in a .assertions file and also reported:

FuzzedInvariant ( all n : SortedList.*(next) : n.x <= n.next.x ) holds for: this
FuzzedInvariant ( some n : SortedList.*(next) : n.x = Integer_Variable_0 ) holds for: <this, DataStructures.SortedList.SENTINEL>
FuzzedInvariant ( (Integer_Variable_0 > Integer_Variable_1) or (Integer_Variable_1 < Integer_Variable_2) ) holds for: <this.x , orig(this.x) , orig(this.next.next.x)>
FuzzedInvariant ( some n : SortedList.*(next) : n.x = Integer_Variable_0 ) holds for: <orig(this), orig(data)>
FuzzedInvariant ( (Integer_Variable_0 >= -1) or (Integer_Variable_1 != Integer_Variable_2) ) holds for: <this.x , this.next.x , orig(this.next.next.x)>
FuzzedInvariant ( some n : SortedList.^(next) : n.x >= Integer_Variable_0 ) holds for: <orig(this), orig(data)>
FuzzedInvariant ( (Integer_Variable_0 >= Integer_Variable_1) xor (Integer_Variable_1 >= Integer_Variable_2) ) holds for: <this.next.next.x , orig(this.x) , orig(this.next.next.x)>
this.next != null
FuzzedInvariant ( Integer_Variable_0 != Integer_Variable_1 - Integer_Variable_2 ) holds for: <this.next.next.x , orig(this.x) , orig(this.next.next.x)>
FuzzedInvariant ( Integer_Variable_0 != Integer_Variable_1 - -1 ) holds for: <this.x, orig(this.x)>
this.next.x >= \old(this.x)
FuzzedInvariant ( some n : SortedList.^(next) : n.x != 1 ) holds for: <orig(this)>
FuzzedInvariant ( some n : SortedList.*(next) : n.x > Integer_Variable_0 ) holds for: <orig(this), this.x>
FuzzedInvariant ( Integer_Variable_0 != Integer_Variable_1 + Integer_Variable_2 ) holds for: <this.x , this.next.next.x , orig(this.next.next.x)>
FuzzedInvariant ( all n : SortedList.^(next) : n.x >= Integer_Variable_0 ) holds for: <orig(this), this.next.x>
FuzzedInvariant ( (Integer_Variable_0 = Integer_Variable_1) or (Integer_Variable_1 > Integer_Variable_2) ) holds for: <this.x , orig(data) , orig(this.x)>
FuzzedInvariant ( some n : SortedList.*(next) : n.x != Integer_Variable_0 ) holds for: <orig(this), this.next.x>

Running SpecFuzzer on other classes

To run SpecFuzzer on any given class, you will need the following:

  • the target classpath <cp>
  • the fully quallified name of the target class <target_class>
  • the source code file of the target class <target_class_src> (to generate the mutants from)
  • the fully quallified name of the test suite <test_suite>

From there, the two steps can be performed as follows:

./specfuzzer.sh --setup <cp> <target_class> <target_class_src> <test_suite>
./specfuzzer.sh --infer <cp> <target_class> <test_suite> <method>

NOTE: as Major may produce many mutants for the target classes, the execution of the test suite for each mutant (during setup) can be expensive and in ocassions may require a considerable amount of time. This will also imply costs during the inference step.


The evaluation subjects, as well as instructions on how to run SpecFuzzer on them can be found in this page.


If you experience any issues, please submit an issue or contact us at fmolina@dc.exa.unrc.edu.ar!