A simple but powerful Python packer to run any project with any virtualenv dependencies anywhwere.
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Support PyBI
#87 opened by EpicWink - 1
Validate that the payload is not corrupted
#16 opened by facundobatista - 0
Test the `pack` function
#13 opened by facundobatista - 1
Remove the installation if indicated
#63 opened by facundobatista - 1
- 1
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- 1
- 0
Migrate from 'appdirs' to 'platformdirs'.
#60 opened by facundobatista - 0
- 5
Include and exclude settings seem to be broken
#65 opened by fisadev - 8
- 0
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- 2
Expose the .pyz path to the packaged program
#50 opened by fisadev - 2
Allow to specify the minimum required Python version to run the packed content
#29 opened by facundobatista - 1
- 0
Add a -V/--version option
#25 opened by facundobatista - 1
At unpacking, flag the successful installation of dependencies and use that to check the reusing
#31 opened by facundobatista - 2
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Control verbosity in `main`
#8 opened by facundobatista - 1
Use Python's logging in `main`
#7 opened by facundobatista - 1
- 0
The unpacker should execute the entrypoint with parameters, if available
#14 opened by facundobatista - 0
Refactor source of information
#5 opened by facundobatista - 0
Pack PyEmpaq itself as a snap
#21 opened by facundobatista - 0
- 0
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Show the unpacking process in a GUI window
#15 opened by facundobatista