
A Python script to deliver news' feed to Twitter

Primary LanguagePython

news2tw v0.9.3


news2tw (News to Twitter) is a Python script to deliver news' feed to Twitter. It's similar to other scripts you can found on the Internet but I created for breaking news.

TODO: Create a post in medium to explain it.


  • Use YAML for storing data.
  • Shrink message length without trimming the last word.
  • Prevention for running one instance at same time.
  • Reddit: Use the link insted of the URL to subreddit post.


news2tw requires Python >= 2.7.13.

On Debian 9 you should install

apt install -y python-feedparser \
               python-tweepy \

Also, if you want to run news2tw into a virtual enviroment you should install

pip install argparse==1.1 \
            feedparser==5.1.3 \
            logging== \
            re==2.2.1 \
            tweepy==3.5.0 \

How to use

Add a new feed

First, create your Twitter application and generate the keys: Consumer key and Consumer secret. Do not forget to enable read and write access in the Permissions tab.

Get the required tokens for posting on Twitter

news2tw -a <your_feed_alias>

Finally, run a cron job every minute

1 * * * * news2tw <your_feed_alias>

List feeds

news2tw -l

Remove last tweet from DB

news2tw --clean <your_feed_alias>

Useful crontab syntax

Run cron on even minute

*/2 * * * * /usr/bin/python2.7 ${HOME}/news2tw/news2tw.py <your_feed_alias>

Run cron on odd minute

1-59/2 * * * * /usr/bin/python2.7 ${HOME}/news2tw/news2tw.py <your_feed_alias>

Error codes

news2tw deals with the error codes from Twitter's API. For all error codes, news2tw stops the processing except:

  • ERR 187: "Status is duplicated", news2tw will ingore it and continue saving it as last feed
  • ERR 326: "Account is temporarily locked", news2tw will send an email to notify you

Error codes are detailed in Twitter's Docs.

Twitter accounts powered by news2tw

They are unofficial accounts.

Liveuamap Middle East
