This project is the final work of Facundo Rodriguez Sabia for the Javascript course dictated by CoderHouse during 2021. It uses the basic concepts of Javascript such as conditionals, objects, arrays and some libraries such as Jquery for animations and the handling of the DOM in general. In addition, AJAX technology is used to simulate a call to a server, using a static JSON file. That is why the execution of this website must be done with a server or it will present failures. From Visual Studio code it can be viewed with the Live Server extension. This project was created simply for educational purposes and is not seeking any profit.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dragon Ball Javascript Game

Este proyecto es el trabajo final de Facundo Rodriguez Sabia para el curso de Javascript dictado por CoderHouse durante 2021. En el mismo se utilizan los conceptos básicos de Javascript como condicionales, objetos, arrays y algunas librerías como Jquery para las animaciones y el manejo del DOM en general. Además se utiliza la tecnología AJAX para simular una llamada a un servidor, utilizando un archivo JSON estático. Es por eso que la ejecución del mismo debe hacerse con un servidor o presentará fallas. Desde Visual Studio code puede visualizarse con la extension Live Server. Este proyecto fue creado simplemente con fines educativos y no busca ningún tipo de lucro.

CONTACTO https://www.linkedin.com/in/rodriguez-sabia/

This project is the final work of Facundo Rodriguez Sabia for the Javascript course dictated by CoderHouse during 2021. It uses the basic concepts of Javascript such as conditionals, objects, arrays and some libraries such as Jquery for animations and the handling of the DOM in general. In addition, AJAX technology is used to simulate a call to a server, using a static JSON file. That is why the execution of this website must be done with a server or it will present failures. From Visual Studio code it can be viewed with the Live Server extension. This project was created simply for educational purposes and is not seeking any profit.

CONTACT https://www.linkedin.com/in/rodriguez-sabia/