
Current subgraph here:

Spec deploys for every artist its own ERC721 (or ERC1155?) contract from a factory contract. The artist contract is a BeaconProxy. There are multiple drops (tracks) per artist. Each track has one (to be confirmed) price and can be sold a limited amount of times. Usually 25, but this is probably also determined in the contract.

This subgraph should track following events:

  • Creation of new artist contract (use data source templates)
    • Token Symbol
    • Name
    • Metadata
  • New drop on artist contract:
    • As soon as it is registered
    • Start time
    • Amount of items
    • Price
  • Sale events on artist contract, during drop inclusive price
  • Transfer events of NFTs
  • Statistics (Prio 2):
    • Total NFTs sold
    • Total contracts deployed
    • Total drops

Reverse engineering notes