Coherence Algorithm used in Automated analysis of free speech predicts psychosis onset in high-risk youths (download the paper) to study the speech coherence level. For now, the algorithm works in English but it is very easy to adapt into others languages.
It is available to use online in the site: The easy way to install is using pip, doing:pip install git+
It takes some time becouse it has to download the trained models ( more than > 30 MB)
After install...
import coherence
some_large_text= "The campaign brought ... I began by making up my mind..."
coh = coherence.coherenceAnalisys()
res = coh.analysis_text(some_large_text)
res is the dictionary with the statistics, you can see the result using the on-line app
Bedi G, Carrillo F, Cecchi GA, Slezak DF, Sigman M, Mota NB, Ribeiro S, Javitt DC, Copelli M, Corcoran CM. Automated analysis of free speech predicts psychosis onset in high-risk youths. npj Schizophrenia. 2015 Aug 26;1:15030.