This is a simple bot for Twitter.
Its main and only function, so far, is retweet a message with a specific hashtag with a mention of its user.

OS which was made : Mac OS X 10.6 (a.k.a Snow Leopard)
Language used : Python
Version of Python used : 2.7.2

Please help me to improve it, because it does not know much about python, despite having it written in this language.

Some interesting features for the future:
-> Make a list, maybe with regex, with the hashtag.
Because he makes an exact comparison of the hashtag that is placed on the script today.

-> Make a error log.

-> Auto Follow-Friday
Complete with a list for something pre-programmed, but also enable the response to new people and an thank you

-> Use a conf file
Using a configuration file, maybe with XML, to set tokens, user, hashtag, list to the FF

-> User Interface
Make an administration interface in order to manipulate the configuration file, display the error log

======== How to use ========
You need install all libs in
The order of installation is : 

To install you must enter each of the libs directory and run the following command: python install

After this you will need the tokens that you get on Twitter Developers, put the hashtag to be monitored by its user

======== CHANGE LOG ========
0.1 - First Release

PS : Sorry for my misspell