
high performance and versatile scrapper for everyone

Primary LanguageGo

Apper is a high-performance scrapper

for starters to build project apper
you should first install go gb
go get github.com/constabulary/gb/...
and make sure $GOPATH/bin is added to your $PATH
then cd $PROJECT_PATH (apper project location)
gb vendor restore
bash run.sh

it'll generate a apper execute file and run it in -i option automatically if you want to run it in daemon mode as apper server please see ./apper -h for more information

Finally , add $PROJECT_PATH/vendor and $PROJECT_PATH to $GOPATH

the architect of pipes on processing task
        pip ---+ task +------- finish
         +        |             +
         |        |             |
         |        +             |
         |      fragment ---+ done
         |                      |
         |                      |
         |                      +
         +----------------- in progress
the architect of task on processing cushion area
    SDK start work ---+ task ---+    +-------+                               +---------+
         +                +     |    |       |                               |         |
         |                |     |    |       |                               |         |
         |                |     +--+ |       | --+ pop task ---+             |  pipe   |
         |              fail         |       |                 |             |         |
         |                |          +-------+                 |             |  pool   |
         |                +---------- cushion                  +             |    |    |
    release pipes                                           match pip +------|----+    |
         +                           +-------+                 |             |    |    |
         |                           |       |              pip exec         |  TH(N)  |
         |                           |       |                 |             |         |
         +--- storage persist +----- |       | +-- caching ----+             |         |
                                     |       |                               |         |
                                     +-------+                               +---------+