
calculate baccarat win rate and lose rate by computation theory without distribution preset or any knowledge for it.

how to run it ?

// by go run env
go build calculation

// run it by redirect standrad output
./calculation 1>result.log

the result should be like

11   11   13   13   3.333738451068494e-05  atimes  0 btimes  1
11   12   13   13   6.882556802205923e-05  atimes  0 btimes  1
11   13   13   13   6.452397002068053e-05  atimes  1 btimes  2
12   12   13   13   3.333738451068494e-05  atimes  0 btimes  1
12   13   13   13   6.452397002068053e-05  atimes  1 btimes  2
13   13   13   13   2.9237423915620866e-05  atimes  2 btimes  3
all types sum to  0.9999999999999297
the root types of base card range is  8281
the result win is  0.4585974226327612  chargerlose  0.4462466093436007  chargerdie  0.09515596802364121
sum is  1.000000000000003


For reason why sum is beyond 1 , you can personally remake data structure with more precise float, but it's fair enough for precision at 10^(-14) as mentioned at WIKIPEDIA