
made for communicating with mainstream chain in one interface

Primary LanguageGo


made for communicating with mainstream chain in one interface

core conception

support a chain needs coding
support a type of chain based crypto needs coding
support a chain based crypto needs not more than configuration

core usage

// step.1 load config file
conf := &types.Claws{}
cfg, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("./claws.yml")
_ = yaml.Unmarshal(cfg, conf)

// step.2 setup builder with config file
SetupGate(conf, nil)

// step.3 just use wallet from buildered one
wallet := claws.Builder.BuildWallet("eth")

// step.4 do sth with wallet , like fetching txs from a block
txns, err := wallet.UnfoldTxs(conf.Ctx, big.NewInt(4356126))