
Fork of screenkey tool

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

fadein's screenkey

Fork of https://github.com/seletskiy/screenkey which is a fork of http://launchpad.net/screenkey

What I've changed:

  • OSD visibility is controled by a USB Footpedal
    • https://learn.adafruit.com/usb-foot-switch/overview
    • When footpedal is pressed a PrintScreen (XK_Print) keypress is sent, and another PrintScreen is sent when the footpedal is released.
    • As this program is already watching for keypresses, and inasmuch as PrintScreen doesn't need to show up on the display, it serves as a simple toggle between modes.
  • Space key changed to (The notes say it should already have been so)
  • Configurable timeout of OSD window

Original documentation:

What's up?

I've made significant changes, including:

  • new command line flags:
    • -fg to set font color;
    • -bg to set background color;
    • --no-sudo do not perform check on launched sudo (it's currently VERY slow, because of this check will launch subprocess on EVERY key typed);
    • -n, --no-hide do not hide window after timeout, hide only text (make it usable with tile managers, for example, with i3, which can not have unfocusable windows);
  • instead of removing text on backspace symbol will be added; it was broken anyway, so it will happily erase Ctrl+... and other text;
  • space is changed to visible character: ;
  • supported second keyboard layout, so not only ASCII letters can be recorded;
  • way of detecting modifiers was changed and now based on pure event state field; it's more robust and precise, so, for example, if you remap arrow keys into Mod+[HJKL] (as I do) you get correct output (arrows, not Mod+arrows or something);
  • Shift+ is now not printed for characters that have two distinct states with and without Shift; it means, that when you type Shift+q you will see Q. However, if you type Shift+Left, you will see Shift+←;
  • added another position modifier, and now window can be dragged around to choose optimal position and size; it will remembered and will not change after window hide/show cycle;
  • font size is now binded to window height, so if you resize window you will get different font size;
  • spacing between several keys are tweaked, so they will not nestle to each other, like this: Ctrl+vhello; instead, you will see: Ctrl+v hello.


Some awkward highlights of this features shown here:


Original author

Pablo Seminario

Thanks to

Jacob Gardner farrer Ivan Makfinsky Muneeb Shaikh


Copyright (c) 2010 Pablo Seminario This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.