Implement MLFlow to existing model

  • Tracking Cross-validation, Hyperparameter Tuning, evaluation metric
  • Generate REST API with MLFlow
  • Manage Stage (Staging & Production)


pip install mlflow scikit-learn numpy pandas seaborn

Run notebook

first thing, you have to clone this project by this command below.

git clone


if you're using vscode editor you can this project folder or you can open this project by the command below.

code machine-learning-pipeline-mlflow

Jupyter Notebook

if you're using jupyter notebook you can try this command down below to open the notebook

cd machine-learning-pipeline-mlflow
jupyter notebook MLflow-example-notebook.ipynb

after you run all cells from this notebook, you can open the MLFlow dashboard or REST API by port down below.

localhost:3000 : MLFlow Dashboard (you can open this on your browser)

localhost:3001 : MLFlow REST API

Inference Request

this is curl example to predict regression data by MLFlow API

curl --silent --show-error --location 'http://localhost:3001/invocations' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "inputs": {
        "season": 4.0,
        "yr": 1.0,
        "mnth": 12.0,
        "hr": 20.0,
        "holiday": 0.0,
        "weekday": 2.0,
        "workingday": 1.0,
        "weathersit": 2.0,
        "temp": 0.5,
        "atemp": 0.4848,
        "hum": 0.63,
        "windspeed": 0.2239