unofficial ToyyibPay SDK for dart
toyyibpay sdk require SecretKey to access the API, that means toyyibpay sdk only suitable for Server application, Consider the consequences of using it on Front-End Application, your secret key must remain secret
on pubspec.yaml
toyyibpay sdk for you to call toyyibpay endpoint easily
you may be want to build a dart server, but to integrate with toyyibpay api must be hard as the docs is written in php
toyyibpay dart sdk already turn the api reference to sdk application, so you just can only worry about dart code.
this sdk provide you functions of toyyibpay api
void main() async {
ToyyibPay toyyibpay = ToyyibPay("YOUR_SECRET_KEY_HERE", sandbox: true); // sandbox is optional, its for sandbox mode, set it to false or remove it if you want to use production link instead
var banks = await toyyibpay.getBank(); /// Read [getBank](
print(banks); // instance of Banks
// ...
var toyyibpay = ToyyibPay("YOUR_SECRET_KEY_HERE", sandbox: true);
I'm open contribution for documentation, bug report, code maintenance, etc. properly submit an issue or send a pull request.
any typos, grammar error, unintended word, or ambiguous meaning. you can PR. or maybe create an issue. this is the one i really need your help
any bugs, unintended word comments, confusing variable naming. you can create an issue, but also a PR really appreciated.
any missing feature, cool feature, like prefix json key command, or dynamic changing. you can create an issue, or write a dart extension for it.
if you want to help maintain this library, kindly read
you can buy me a coffee: