
Using Swift

A to-do list app using the Swift programming language. Making a to-do list is a so called rite of passage for any budding iOS Developer. The app will let you organise to-do items into lists and then be able check them off once done. It will also set a reminder on a to-do item that will pop up an alert on the due time and date.

Learning outcomes

[x] Get to grips with using TableViews and Navigation Controllers [x] Build a foundation in recycling cells in a TableView to display data. [x] Understand the data source as the link between data and the table view. [x] Use delegate duties: UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate helpers for the table view. [x] Familiarise myself with the iOS Model-View-Controller design pattern.

To Do

[ ] TDD with XCTest [ ] Play around with the design. [ ] Ask if you've done the task or not. If done, you will be congratulated. If not, gives you a rude message.

Technologies Used

  • Xcode 6.1.1
  • Swift 1.1