
Week 4 & 6 Project at Makers Academy to create a Twitter clone.

Primary LanguageRuby



![Alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fadieh/jitter/master/public/images/snapshot.png)

#####"Esentially, it's Twitter but for Coffee..."

This is was our Week 4 Weekend and Week 6 Project at Makers Academy where we introduced the use of Relational Databases by creating a Twitter clone.

Aims of Jitter

  • Create a simple Twitter clone using Ruby and Sinatra.
  • User can sign up with an email and password.
  • User can sign in with an email and password.
  • User cannot sign in with the incorrect credentials.
  • User can sign out.
  • User can get an email if they've forgotten their password.

Additional Features I've added on

  • Profile Pages.
  • Ability to favourite messages.
  • Ability to delete messages.
  • Messages show information such as the user's display name, username, amount of favourites and a time stamp.
  • Photo upload.

Personal Aims

  • Gain a better insight into relationship modelling.
  • To understand the full-stack process further.
  • To explore on click animations and events with jQuery further.
  • To cultivate a design that is unified, alluring and informative.
  • To use the Carrier Wave gem for uploading photos.

Heroku address


Technologies used

  • Ruby 2.1.2
  • Sinatra 1.4.5
  • DataMapper 1.2.0
  • BCrypt-Ruby 3.1.5
  • RackFlash 1.0.5
  • RSpec 3.1.0
  • Capybara 2.4.4
  • CarrierWave
  • ERB, CSS3
  • Adobe Illustrator CC
  • JQuery