
ESC10 dataset augmented for MCLNN

The ESC10 environmental sound dataset.

Clip Duration Format Original Clips Count Categories Augmentation Count Augmented Clips Count
5 secs .wav (originally .ogg) 400 10 12 5200

A 5-seconds file may contain events shorter than 5 seconds, accordingly the authors of the dataset padded all files to unify the 5 seconds length for all files.

This folder contains:

  • Scripts required to prepare an augmented version of the ESC10 dataset for the MCLNN processing.
  • Pretrained weights and indices for the 5-fold cross-validation in addition to the standardization parameters.


The following are the steps involved in preparing the augmented ESC10 dataset:

  1. Follow the steps in ESC10-for-MCLNN to download and preprocess the original ESC10 dataset.
  2. Apply the controlled deformations for each clip using the scripts provided here.

Preparation scripts prerequisites

The preparation scripts require the following packages to be installed beforehand:

  • Rubber Band v1.8.1 An audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library and utility program
  • numpy 1.11.2+mkl
  • librosa 0.4.0
  • h5py 2.6.0
  • muda 0.2.0


  1. Download the dataset using the ESC10_download script, make sure the files of each category are in a separate folder. If you prefer to download the dataset directly, make sure the files are ordered following the esc10aug_8pitch_4stretch_storage_ordering file.
  2. Position the scripts of the Preparation Scripts directory in the downloaded dataset parent directory and execute them in order following the "id_XX" index in the file name after applying any necessary configuration.
  3. Configure the spectrogram transformation within the Dataset Transformer and generate the MCLNN-Ready hdf5 for the dataset.
  4. Generate the indices for the folds using the Index Generator script.