Action on Google Assistant
Anti-CoronaVirus Action

  • ChatBot and Google Assistant provide information for fans of voice searches and provide knowledge for blind people.


  • It is easy for you to know all the information about Coronavirus by asking the question by voice.
  • It also makes it easier for those who prefer to inquire by voice about their information about Coronavirus while outside the home and do not want to touch the phone screen with their finger.
  • It is easy to know the information about Coronavirus for those who cannot see or are blind.
  • It provides you with all information easily and provides you with links to easily.
  • It is easy to Coronavirus self-evaluation : This tool was developed by Egyptian volunteers using the evaluation tool developed by Alberta Medical Services - Canada. Use this self-assessment tool to help you determine whether you need to undergo a coronavirus analysis test. You can complete this assessment for yourself or on behalf of other people if they are unable to complete it themselves.
  • Resourses : World Health Organization & .

This Action for Solution Challange 2020 (Developer Student Club - Google)

Develer : Fady Nabil - DSC NCA Lead