
Authentication with refresh and access JSON Web Tokens and user roles.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JWT Authentication with Refresh Tokens

NodeJs, ExpressJS, and Mongoose

Example to illustrate the workflow of an ExpressJS server that provides authentication and authorization mechanism with JWTs and refresh tokens.



  • /api/auth/signup Registers new users into the system and returns the new created user, access token and refresh token.

  • /api/auth/signin Signs in existing users and issues them access token and refresh token.

  • /api/auth/signout Revokes current user's existing refresh token.

  • /api/auth/refresh_token Returns a new access token, must be provided the refresh token.

Setting up the project

Provide a .env file with the variables provided in .env.example template, and run:

npm i

to install dependencies.

Then run npm run dev for development, or npm run start to test in production.