
Storybook addon to add a new Tab which can show a status of the shown component. So you can easily keep track of the state of a component. For example you can visualize if it's already release. Or if its a draft or needs a redesign or if it's still in development



npm i @faebeee/storybook-badges

add the addon

import '@faebeee/storybook-badges';

configure default config


import { addDecorator, addParameters } from '@storybook/react';
    badges: {
        icon_size: 50,
        icons: {
            'utility': {
                icon: '/assets/img/utility-comp.png',
                text: "Utility Component"

and in your story

const stories = storiesOf('Component', module)
    () => (<MyComp/>),
        badges: {
            badges: ['utility'],