
Small js library to animate some writing effect through a list of strings. It also supports settings for typo errors, to make it more human likely.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Write and Delete

Small js library to animate some writing effect through a list of strings. It also supports settings for typo errors, to make it more human likely.

Note It uses generators, so it's only supported in more modern browsers.




Import the library

<script src="https://unpkg.com/write-and-delete@VERSION/dist/lib.js"></script>

and then it's available in the global window scope.

  writeAndDelete(document.querySelector("#header"), [
    "Buenos dias",
    "Good morning",
    "Guten Morgen ",
    "Buon giorno",
], {
    timeout: 1000,
    loop: true,
    speed: 200,
    errorQuota: 0.5,
    cursor: '_',
    cursorSpeed: 300,

Web Component

this library is also available as a webcomponent.

Import the component

<script src="https://unpkg.com/write-and-delete@VERSION/dist/webcomponent.js"></script>

and then set it up in your markup

    <write-and-delete timeout="1000" loop="true" speed="200">JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3</write-and-delete>


Property Type Description
timeout number required Timeout until next element is been written/deleted
speed number required Velocity of typing effect
speedVariation number A variation for the speed property. So it is not too linear
loop boolean Restart after reaching the last text in the list
errorQuota number Quota of typos injected in the text
errorCharacterMap string Custom string of characters used for the typo errors.
cursor string Character of the cursor like / or _
cursorSpeed number Speed of the blinking animation