
Extract Pebble Health raw data and post it to a web server

Primary LanguageCISC LicenseISC

Note: I don't have a working Pebble anymore. This repository is archived and will not be updated.

Pebble Health Export

This is a simple application for Pebble Watch that extract all the raw Pebble Health data gathered by the watch and POST it to a user-configured HTTP endpoint.

Note that this involves streaming a lot of data from the watch to the phone through the Bluetooth link, so it consumes a lot of battery. Hopefully this will be offset by a high transfer rate, so that the high battery usage only lasts for a short time.

Preliminary tests suggest that when running at full capacity, the app would drain empty a fully-charged Pebble Time Round battery in about 2h30, but transferring a full day worth of Pebble Health data would only take about 3 minutes. That means roughly 2% of battery per day, for the Pebble model with the smallest battery.

Basic Operation

To use this watchapp, you need a webserver to receive the POST request sent the watchapp. The append server in my Simple Web Applications (in Ada) was the reference used when developing this watchapp, but any webapp that can work with a POSTed HTML form should work, and the actual HTML from doesn't even need to exist.

The watchapp needs to be configured to do anything. The required configuration fields are the URL endpoint to which the form is POSTed, and the name of the data field.

When configured, the watchapp makes one POST request for each recorded Pebble Health entry, filling the data field with string like:


That is a typical CSV line, with the fields interpreted as follow:

  • absolute time of the line, in UTC time zone and in RFC-3339 format,
  • number of steps taken in the given minute (120 in this example),
  • yaw (angle of the watch in the x-y plane) in 1/16th of turn
  • pitch (angle of the watchface to the z axis) in 1/16th of turn
  • VMC which is a measure of how much movement happened during the minute (9915 here is a lot, my desk activity is a few thousands, light sleep or watching TV is a few hundreds, and it goes down to zero during deep sleep)
  • ambient light level, from 1 (darkest) to 4 (brightest) with 0 meaning unknown
  • activity mask, currently 3 for deep sleep, 1 for non-deep sleep or 0 for not sleeping,
  • heart beats, or 0 when there is no heart rate sensor or when the data is not available for another reason.

Sometimes Pebble Health has no available data for a given minute, then all fields except time are empty, so it looks like this:


Optional Features

Auto Wakeup

I found that the activity mask is reset much more frequently than the rest of Pebble Health data, and it seems it happens on a daily basis. To prevent forgetting to export the data, it can be automated by configuring an automatic wakeup time. The data will then be exported every day at that time.

Note that this watchapp has currently a bad management for Wakeup errors. So for example if you set a time when some other watchapps has already taken, it will fail silently.

Data Bundling

The HTTP overhead of a POST request is quite larger than the data line itself, so it can improve throughput to bundle several line in a single POST request.

If your receiving webapp supports this, you can configure bundling lines, with a percent-encoded separator of your choice. For example, %0d%0a might be good for a webapp like my Append Server that appends the POSTed field directly to a text file.

Extra Form Fields

The webapp might need some other fields than the health data, for example a Submit button, or a field to select which file to affect, or a password to prevent unauthorized access to the webapp.

Any number of fields can be added to each POST request made by the watchapp, with the configured static value.

Data Signature

Authentication to the webapp might need something stronger than a password, and the watchapp javascript engine doesn't do well with cookies. In order to strengthen the authentication, my Append Server uses HMAC authentication of data lines.

The watchapps can be configured to provide a signature on the given form field, with the usual HMAC-SHA* algorthm, and can encode the signature in hexadecimal or base-64 or send it unencoded.

Auto Close

With this option the watchapp can automatically close when the data export is complete. It can be useful for example to assign to a shortcut button, or even just start the watchapp and forget about it.

Note that even when this option is disabled, the watchapp will still auto-close when it is started through auto-wakeup, in order to be as unobtrusive as possible.

Be warned that the auto-close is faster than the loading of the configuration page, so if you have auto-close enabled and have synced recently, when trying to load the configuration screen the watchapp might close before you have a chance to configure anything. The only solution then is to wait for more health data to be generated, so that while it upload the configuration page has enough time to load and suspend auto-close.