
Tick Tack Toe game

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tic Tac Toe

Deployed App: http://faetea.github.io/Project-1/

Wireframe Mockup: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/faetea/Project-1/master/documentation/Mockup1.png

Need to do:

Prompt: https://github.com/ga-wdi-boston/js-project-ttt

Build a dynamic game that allows two players to compete.

Timeline Checklist for Project #1

  • Sketch wireframes for front-end appearance and behaviors done Tue, 6th
  • What kind of data front-end needs to store/manipulate to function? done Mon, 12th
  • Create repo for project, add README done Tue, 6th
  • Create front-end HTML and CSS (host on GitHub Pages) done Wed, 7th
  • Write out user stories for app done Mon, 12th
  • Write code to manage game logic done Mon, 12th
  • Write jQuery code to handle browser interaction done Thurs, 15th
  • Link jQuery up w/ game’s Logic done Tues, 13th
  • Communicate w/ back-end. Write AJAX code done Thurs, 15th
  • Add AJAX to front-end app, link it to back-end appearance done Thurs, 15th
  • Add additional features to app. Clean up documentation done Thurs, 15th
  • Test and debug done Thurs, 15th
  • Present! Fri, 16th

Data Objects/Nouns:

player 1

  • name
  • choice of icon

player 2

  • name
  • choice of icon

game board

  • 9 squares & who moved in each square

User Stories:


Story 1 As a player, I can enter my name. (done)

Story 2 As the scoreboard, assign an icon. (done)

Story 3 As a player, I can click on game board squares to claim them.

Story 4 As the scoreboard, when there are 3 squares in a row the game is finished

Story 5 As the scoreboard, when game is finished, annouce scores and winner.

Story 6 As the game, when score is annouced, ask "Play Again?"

Game Logic:

  1. Game prompts "What is your name?", Player 1 enters name (or placeholder name is used)
  2. Game alerts "(player-name or placeholder), you are the first player. Your team is the Daleks!"
  3. For player 2, Game prompts "What is your name?", Player 2 enters name (or placeholder name is used)
  4. Game alerts "(player-name or placeholder), you are the second player. Your team is the Doctor!"
  5. Game assigns Dalek icon to Player 1, and displays Player 1 name on the scoreboard
  6. Game assigns Tardis icon to Player 2, and displays Player 2 name on the scoreboard
  7. Player 1 clicks square, Game checks if there is already a piece in that square, if empty, places player 1 icon in square
  8. Game uses 'var = whoseTurn' and 'function switchTurn()' to keep track of whose turn it is
  9. Player 2 takes turn, Game checks if there is already a piece in that square, if empty, places player 2 icon in square
  10. Repeat
  11. Game uses 'function getWinner()' to know when win state has been reached (three of same icons form a row)
  12. Once win state is reacted Game knows to set 'whoseTurn = 3' so that neither players icons can be placed anymore
  13. Game alerts "Game Over! (winner-name) has won!", Confirms "Do you want to play again?", Re-opens 'index.html'