
A customizable dashboard application, compose your dashboard from widgets for free for everyone.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MIT License



This application has to be modified by your requirements.

Default mode:

  • it uses NoSQL embedded database /models/*.js
  • it uses fake user profile /definitions/auth.js
  • the application is localized via Total.js localization
  • it doesn't support lower resolution than width<767px (mobile phones aren't supported now)


License: MIT.

  • install latest Total.js npm install total.js (minimal version: +v2.1.0)
  • download source-code
  • run node debug.js

Main libraries

  • jQuery v3
  • D3 v4
  • Chart.js v2
  • jComponent v5

Creating widget

// WIDGET(name, declaration, [initialization]);

WIDGET('WidgetName', function() {  // DECLARATION

    var self = this;

    // ==== PROPERTIES ====
    // self.options   (readonly)      --> custom options according to the @config
    // self.element   (readonly)      --> current jQuery element
    // self.dom       (readonly)      --> current DOM element (without jQuery)
    // self.size      (readonly)      --> current dimension + position
    // ==== METHODS ====
    // self.html(html)                --> sets HTML into the current element
    // self.append(html)              --> appends HTML into the current element
    // self.empty()                   --> clears content
    // self.rename(value)             --> can rename `value` according to the dictionary, default returns `value`
    // self.read(path, obj, [def])    --> can read a value according to the `path` from the `obj`
    // self.redraw()                  --> redraw with the last datasource
    // self.refresh()                 --> refresh datasource and executes `render` when the data are OK.
    // self.center(boolean)           --> toggles centering
    // self.config(name, [value])     --> can read and write custom name/value (the configuration persists because is stored in DB on the server)
    // self.success(message)          --> shows a success message
    // self.warning(message)          --> shows a warning message
    // self.notify(icon, message, [callback])   --> creates a notification
    // self.confirm(message, buttons_labels_array, [callback(index)]) --> creates a confirm dialog
    // self.ajax('url', [data], [callback(err, response)], [headers]) --> self.ajax('POST http://yourserver.com/data/', { dashboard: 'is the best!!!' }, function(err, response) { ... })
    // ==== HANDLERS ====

    self.make = function(dimension) {
        // optional
        // widget is created
        // here you can create the whole nested elements

    self.destroy = function() {
        // optional
        // widget is destroyed

    self.resize = function(dimension) {
        // optional
        // widget is resized

    self.render = function(value) {
        // optional
        // widget is pre-rendered
        // value ==> raw datasource response

    self.state = function(type, changes) {
        // optional
        // widget is initialized or reconfigure
        // type === 0    : widget is initialized
        // type === 1    : widget is reconfigured
        // changes       : array of all changes (keys/properties) when is the widget reconfigured

    // ==== CUSTOM EVENTS ====
    self.publish('event-name', 'argument1', 1000, 'argumentN');

    self.subscribe('event-name', function(arg1, argN) {


}, function(config, inject) { // INITIALIZATION

    // config(key, label, default_value, [type], [max], [min], [step]);
    // inject(url);

    // `config` creates custom configuration for the widget
    // `inject` can inject 3rd-party JavaScript, CSS or HTML

    this.title = 'Widget name in widget list'; // optional
    this.author = 'Author'; // optional
    this.url = 'URL to widget information'; // optional
    this.preview = 'URL to widget preview (image jpg/gif/png)'; // optional
    this.category = 'Category'; // optional
    this.sizes = ['1x1', '2x2']; // ROWSxCOLS --> it will be enabled only for this grid
    // Data-source example (can be JSON or plain OBJECT)
    this.example = { count: 10, min: 304, max: 340394 }; // optional

Additional helpers

Use async operations, AJAX calls, date and number formatting, etc. in your widgets.

Global variables:

TAU;               // returns 2 * Math.PI
DAYS;              // returns array with day names e.g. ['Sunday', 'Monday', etc.]
DAYS_SHORT;        // returns array with short day names e.g. ['SU', 'MO', etc.]
MONTH;             // returns array with month names e.g. ['January', 'February', etc.]
MONTH_SHORT;       // returns array with short month names e.g. ['Jan.', 'Feb.', etc.]
user;              // returns instance of the current user

## How to import own widgets?

  • put your widgets into the some script e.g. my-widgets.js
  • open Dashboard applications
  • click on the Repository
  • add URL to script with your widgets

License: MIT.