EcsStack. It will setup an application with below resources.
- Codebuild
- Application Load Balancer
- Secrets Manager
- Bucket S3
- CloudWatch Log groups
- ECR repository
- IAM User, roles and policies
- ECS cluster with fargate tasks
The application architecture is as below.
coming soon...
You can customize the application by creating and modifying parameters in lib/project-config.ts
export const project = {
test: true, // 'true' Will create resources without deletion protection
environment: 'staging',
secrets: {
production: {PORT: 3000}, // Initial data to secretsmanager
staging: {PORT: 3000}
vpc: {
exist: false,
id: '' // If VPC already exist, insert VPC id here
s3: {
exist: false // 'False', If you want to create s3 buckets
owner: 'fagianijunior', // Same as Github owner
repository: 'wordpress', // Same as Github repository name
dns: {
domain: ''
How to use this project.
* # Change values on lib/project-config.ts
* cdk synth # Synthesize all templates to cdk.out
* cdk deploy --app 'cdk.out/' InfraEcs-VPC # Deploy first the VPC if not exist yet
* use the VPC id on Props of Staging and Production
* cdk deploy --app 'cdk.out/' InfraEcs-Staging # Deploy staging if needed, remember to change lib/project-config.ts before.
* cdk deploy --app 'cdk.out/' InfraEcs-Production # Deploy production, remember to change lib/project-config.ts before.
Useful commands
npm run build
compile typescript to jsnpm run watch
watch for changes and compilenpm run test
perform the jest unit testscdk deploy
deploy this stack to your default AWS account/regioncdk diff
compare deployed stack with current statecdk synth
emits the synthesized CloudFormation template