
Docker container with RTL 433 + Mosquitto MQTT client to flow sensor telemetry to MQTT

Primary LanguageGo



This is a Go app that runs RTL_433 to get data from Radio signals and flow to MQTT via the Mosquitto broker.

What this does

This is a containerized app that:

  • Send MQTT messages to create topics in a Mosquitto MQTT broker
  • Start reading Radio signals from an RTL-SDR (Realtek Software Defined Radio) antenna using RTL_433
  • Send messages to MQTT via Eclipse Paho MQTT Go client in a format that can be read by Home Assistant


You will need:

  • Docker
  • Make
  • An RTL-SDR USB dongle. I use the NooElec NESDR Mini USB RTL-SDR but RTL_433 supports a lot of different models, choose the one that you prefer
  • Home Assistant or something on the other side to consume the MQTT messages


To run this:

  1. Create an .env file like this. This will be used by container to connect to MQTT.
  1. Expose the correct RTL-SDR USB dongle to the container
  - /dev/bus/usb/001/005:/dev/bus/usb/001/005
  1. Run Docker Compose
make run

If everything goes well you will see the sensor states in Home Assistant like this for temperature and humidity outside:

Home Assistant temperature and humidity outside

And like this for soil moisture (used for plants):

Home Assistant soil moisture