
Primary LanguagePython

This repo have the implementation for a CNN-based approach to learn the transformation from raw images to merge/final hdr image.


-torch -torchvision -visdom -rawpy -scipy -scikit-image

Dataset configuration

This repo uses Google HDR+ dataset (https://hdrplusdata.org). For setting the path to the downloaded dataset modify "defaults/dataconfig_test.json" and "defaults/dataconfig_train.json" files.


"path_raw": "hdrplus/20171106_subset/bursts",

"path_result": "hdrplus/20171106_subset/results_20171023",

For setting the burst size modify the key "size_burst" within "defaults/dataconfig_test.json" and "defaults/dataconfig_train.json" (i.e. "size_burst":"3",). Also, you need to alter accordingly the number of input channels for the model. This is done by changing "in_channels" key within "defaults/modelconfig.json". (i.e. "in_channels":"3",)


An example line for learning merge is:

python train.py --experiment=my_train --loss=mse --dataset=hdrmerge --model=unetmerge --use_cuda=0 --optimizer=Adam --optimizerparam="{'lr':'0.00001'}" --visdom --train_worker=4 --test_worker=4 --batch_size=1

An example line for learning the final hdr image is:

python train.py --experiment=my_train --loss=mse --dataset=hdrfinal --model=unetfinal --use_cuda=0 --optimizer=Adam --optimizerparam="{'lr':'0.00001'}" --visdom --train_worker=4 --test_worker=4 --batch_size=1

--dataset parameter allows one of the following [hdrmerge, hdrfinal].

--loss parameter allows one of the following [mse, l1, nmsepad]

--model parameter allows one of the following [unetmerge, unetfinal]

--optimizer parameter allows one of the following [Adam, SGD, RMSprop]

For a complete list of allowed parameters type: python train.py -h. Checkpoints will be saved in ../out/, where "experiment" is the name you defined.

Note: The parameter --imsize is deprecated and is only kept for compatibility reasons. It will be removed in future versions.