
Learning Java for 100 Days. Thats untill 31st Dec 2020. We have started this series at Twitter on October 3rd.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Learning Java for 100 Days. Thats untill 31st Dec 2020. We have started this series on Twitter on October 3rd.

It's not about learning all of the Java in 100 days :)

We together are going to look at some common and uncommon concepts of Java and brush it up thoroughly. We will code, ready books/blogs/vlogs and share our knowledge with everyone.

Rules to follow

  • Fork the repo and clone it.
  • It's up to you how you wanna start and proceed. Don't worry about your progress. If you get confused, Start with Day1 question.
  • Folder of your name is under src.main.java package. Try to keep your work inside your folder.
  • Try not to use @Test annotation in src.main.java package
  • Only use dependencies that are necessary and try to keep the POM file lean as much as you can :)
  • Follow me on Twitter if you can. I regularly share valuable keynotes for beginners and my insights on Java and programming concepts. The account only for knowledge sharing and technical development.

I also recommend you to follow Wetesterr

IDE & Java to use:

I recommend using Idea IntelliJ and latest Java JDK

Best Practice with GIT

  • Always create a new branch and raise Pull Requests to merge it to the main branch.
  • Do not forget to pull from main branch before you start coding and before raising Pull Requests.

Motto and Feedback

I believe in open learning and sharing ideas/thoughts fearlessly. And I expect the same from you. I hope that you will be able to provide your valuable feedback openly on platforms like LinkedIn. In the past, I have mentored people who want and get help for free but scared of acknowledging the effort I made. So, frankly speaking, guys, if you think you cannot recognise the efforts anytime in these 100 days of our journey then we are not meant to go this way together :)

In case of any help, please drop me a message on Tweeter/Fb-messenger.

I hope you are good to go now. Lets do it :)

Happy coding!