
TypeScript step by step sample projects in Visual Studio using ASP.NET Core projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript


These are simple and easy to understand for beginners Typescript samples to demonstrate how you can use TypeScript in your ASP.NET Core projects.

1. Single File

This sample demonstrates how you can have one typescript file containing your code, and use that file in your html.

2. Multiple Files

This sample demonstrates how you can have two or more files working in conjunction with each other while called from your page.

3. Typings

This sample demonstrates how you can call other existing javascript functions in your TypeScript file, typings file is used to forward-reference the function that TypeScript cannot see the shape of.

4. Loading Modules using SystemJS Module Loader

This sample uses System JS Module Loader to demonstrate how you can painlessly manage dependency loading while using Multiple files exporting classes and functions.

5. Using TypeScript classes from plain old Javascript

This sample demonstrates how you can utilize the TypeScript classes from existing Javascript code in your language

6. Using Generics

This sample demonstrates the use of Generics or Templates

6. Using jQuery

This sample demonstrates the use of jQuery in your TypeScript scripts.

8. Using Angular

This sample demonstrates the use of Angular 2+. The sample uses Angular 4.0. The required libraries are reflect-metadata and Zone.