
Primary LanguageJava

[GitHub self]

Run locally within docker

Build the image from Dockerfile, give it tag name 'hello'

docker build -t hello .

Run image in (-d) detached mode, (-p) publish port. -rm automatically removes container when it exits.

docker run -d --rm -p 8080:8080 --name hello_vertx hello:latest

View container process

docker ps

Tail the logs

docker container logs hello_vertx --follow

View web page

curl http://localhost:8080

Note you will see an error: Failed to get count: Connection refused: localhost/ This is because Redis container has been started, to start:

docker run -d --rm -p 6379:6379 --name hello_redis redis:alpine

(-p 6379:6379 maps the host port 63379 to same container port)

A good ctl blog on network mapping.

Refresh your web page, you still will see an error because the vertx container has redis IP address of localhost (, not the container port redis running in. \

To see actual IP of running redis container:

docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' hello_redis

docker compose, explained further below, is best approach for composing related containers. For now, to get this working,
edit application-conf.json redis.host, rebuild image and restart container. You should see counter for the 1s time :

Hello, hostname: 423fcb29871a, count: 1

TODO: config should be passed in at container runtime, not image build time.

Now that its up, you could also connect to redis container and run commands:

docker exec -it hello_redis redis-cli
GET counter
INCR counter
SET counter 1001

see Redis commands

Run from docker cloud

Get an account from https://cloud.docker.com/ and log in

docker login
Tag the image
docker tag hello stehrn/get-started:latest
docker images

(where stehrn is username, hello is image name, and get-started is repository name)

Publish image
docker push stehrn/get-started:latest

You should see updated image in docker cloud

Run container sourcing published image
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name hello_vertx stehrn/get-started:latest
Run service

docker-compose.yml has 2 services: web and redis.

This will spin up 5 replicas in one service sourced from published image

docker swarm init
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml get-started
docker service ls
docker service ps get-started_web



docker stack rm get-started
docker swarm leave --force

Run from command line outside of docker

java -jar target/docker-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar -conf src/main/resources/application-conf.json
curl http://localhost:8080