#Simple Blockchain Implementation in Node.js This repository contains a simple implementation of a blockchain in Node.js. The blockchain consists of blocks containing transactions, and the blocks are linked together using cryptographic hashes.

Features Blockchain Creation: Generates a blockchain from transaction data stored in a CSV file. Proof of Work: Implements a simple proof-of-work algorithm to mine new blocks. File Saving: Saves the blockchain to a file named block.txt. Prerequisites Node.js installed on your system Usage Clone the repository to your local machine:

bash Copy code git clone https://github.com/fahadkabali/blockContructor.git Navigate to the project directory:

bash Copy code cd blockchain-node Install dependencies:

bash Copy code npm install Add your transaction data to the mempool.csv file.

Run the script to generate the blockchain:

bash Copy code npm start Once completed, the blockchain will be saved to a file named block.txt in the Outputs directory.

File Structure blockchain.js: Contains the blockchain implementation. Memopool/mempool.csv: CSV file containing transaction data. Outputs/block.txt: Output file where the generated blockchain is saved. README.md: This file, containing instructions and information about the project.