Remix Server Runtime for Deno


This package implements the "Remix server runtime interface" that Remix runtime packages must conform to.

The most of the code is taken from the official package @remix-run/deno, and I do not take credit for the original code.


Install the package:

deno install jsr:@fahchen/remix-deno-server-runtime

Build your Deno server:

import { type ServerBuild } from "@remix-run/server-runtime";
import { createRequestHandlerWithStaticFiles } from "@fahchen/remix-deno-server-runtime";

const handleRequest = createRequestHandlerWithStaticFiles({
  build: (await import("./build/server/index.js")) as ServerBuild,
  mode: "production",
  staticFiles: {
    publicDir: "./build/client/",
    assetsPublicPath: "/assets/",

export default {
  fetch: handleRequest,
} satisfies Deno.ServeDefaultExport;

// Or start the server with Deno.serve
// Deno.serve({ port: 3000 }, handleRequest);

Run the server:

deno serve -A server.ts