Social Media App

Link - A social media website where you can connect with your friends.


  • Desktop view (Light mode)

    • image
  • Mobile view (Dark mode)

How to install and run locally?

$ git clone
$ cd Social-media-app
$ npm install
$ npm start

Tech stack -

  • React JS
  • React Context API + useReducer
  • React Router v6
  • vanilla CSS
  • mockBee for backend
  • Font awesome Icons
  • React Hot Toast

Pages and Features -

Side Bars (All pages when logged in)

  • User Suggestions
    • Follow users
  • Link to all other pages
  • Create post button which opens a new post modal
  • Add another account/Logout option on profile click

Home Page

  • Posts of users you follow
  • Like/Unlike a Post
  • Add/Remove bookmark on a post
  • Comment on a post
  • Create/Edit posts with Images
  • Delete your own posts
  • Unfollow others in popup after clicking on ellipsis
  • Share post link
  • Sort posts based on Latest/Trending

Explore Page

  • All Posts from latest to oldest
  • Follow/Unfollow others in popup after clicking on ellipsis

Bookmarks Page

  • User Bookmarked posts list
    • Remove from Bookmarks
    • Like/Comment

Profile Page

  • Edit your Own Profile with an Image Upload
  • Choose profile from Avatar options
  • Edit background cover photo
  • Follow/Unfollow users.
  • List of all posts posted by the user
  • List of all posts liked by the user

Single Post Page

  • Like/Unlike post
  • Add/Remove bookmark on a post
  • Comment on a post
  • Share post link
  • Edit/Delete posts
  • Comments list

Other Features

  • Authentication
    • Login
    • Signup
  • Video Upload
  • Error Page
  • Dark Mode
  • Search Users
  • Toasts
  • Loaders
  • Responsive