![alt text](Coming Soon Poster_2.jpg)
Any student who is an undergraduate or postgraduate.
- Submit your project ideas here with your project name as the issue title and put label idea.
- Your project idea should consist of a concise description of the project.
- Your ideas can range from Web apps, Android apps to any other programming project.
- Go through existing submissions before submitting your idea to avoid redundancy.
- The deadline for idea submission is January 17, 2017.
- Your project should have proper documentation. Consider making a detailed README.md. A boiler plate for a project is recommended.
- After your project idea has been approved you can go ahead and create a repository for your project and list all the project developments under Issues.
- Your project should have issues which are solved by the participants.Your project will receive the same grading as ones for issue solving . When working with your project make sure it follows proper software design principles ie universal coding patterns like PEP8 foe python and comments.
- Submit your project ideas here with your project name as the issue title and put label project.
- Your project idea should consist of a concise description of the project.
- Proper documentation for new users is expected.
- Your project should have atl east 5 issues with the label opencode.
- All issues should have label opencode a,b,c.
- The label a,b,c will be put by the event organiser .
- All code must be documented
Pr’s will be graded into three categories by the team. The grading will be done before the pr is send.
The corresponding issue will have the score for solving the issue. This would be done by the team.
- Cat A 10 points
- Cat B 20 points
- Cat C 30 points
- Cat D 00 points
To make students more aware of open source
- Gautham Santhosh
- Faheem Hassan Zunjani
- Diwakar Vinay