
Cross-Platform Transparency Tool for Multi Agent Systems.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Agent Transparency Tool [Desktop Application]

Author: Fahid RM

Email: frm24@bath.ac.uk

Visual Transparency Tool for Multi-Agent Systems.

Project Page & Guides: https://fahidrm.github.io/agent-transparency-tool

Quick Overview video: https://fahidrm.github.io/agent-transparency-tool/files/aamas2021vid_video_25.mp4

1.0. Installation

You may use the pre-built app (see release tab) or build this repository using the guide below (see section: Running & Building).

2.0. How to use

  1. Launch app.
  2. Click the Start Debugging button. This would open a socket that listens at port 3000.
  3. Launch you multi-agent system that has been configured to make log states as JSON as defined here.
  4. If your MAS consists of multiple agents, use the selector to choose between agents. While no agent has been chosen, the app chooses the first agent that logs its state.


3.0. Running & Building

3.1. Implementation Summary
  • Language: Javascript ES 6
  • Framework: Angular JS v 1.0
  • Platform: Node JS, electron
3.2. System requirements
  • node: v 12.18.3 or later
  • npm: v 6.14.6 or later
3.3. Project dependencies

see package.json (no action required)

All other dependencies have been bundled along with the source code. These are: Angular JS v1, d3.js v6.5, jQuery v3.2.1, lodash v4.0.0 & Photon Kit.

3.4. Running project from source code
  1. Clone or download this repository.
  2. Use the terminal or command prompt to navigate to the project's root directory.
  3. Using the terminal or command prompt, run the command npm install
  4. After all the project's dependencies have been installed, run the command npm start
3.5. Building project from source code

Option 1: To build this project we have included helper scripts in the package.json file. These are:

  • build-all: builds project for all platforms.

  • build-lin: builds project for linux.

  • build-mac: builds project for macOS.

  • build-win: builds project for windows.

    These helper scripts may be run using the command: npm run [command] i.e npm run build-mac

Option 2: You may choose to use the electron-packager to build this project as discussed on npm.

Note: If you are developing on Windows, we suggest option 2 as option 1 includes the use of the rm command which is unavailable on Windows.

4.0. Acknowledgement

  • Photon Kit : Base CSS styling used. Released under MIT license.

5.0. License