Meeting Room Booking System


The Meeting Room Booking System is a web-based application designed to simplify the process of reserving meeting rooms in an organization. Users can view available rooms, book slots, and manage their reservations effortlessly. The application ensures a smooth, streamlined experience for administrators and employees alike, helping businesses better manage their resources.


  • User Management:

    • Role-based access control (Admin and User roles)
    • Soft deletion of users
    • Admin can manage users and assign roles
  • Room Management:

    • Add, update, and delete meeting rooms
    • Set room amenities (e.g., projector, whiteboard, video conferencing)
  • Slot Booking:

    • Real-time booking of available slots
    • Price per slot feature based on room capacity
    • Booking history and status updates
  • Advanced Features:

    • Dynamic search and filtering of rooms
    • Capacity-based pricing model
    • Detailed room and booking information
    • Error handling with clear error messages and logging

Tech Stack

  • Frontend:

    • TypeScript
    • HTML/CSS (or React if applicable)
  • Backend:

    • Node.js
    • Express.js
    • Mongoose (MongoDB as the database)
  • Other Technologies:

    • JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication
    • bcrypt for password hashing
    • Zod for schema validation
    • HTTP-status for consistent status codes

Setup and Installation


Before setting up the application, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (v14+)
  • MongoDB
  • Git

Steps to Install and Run Locally

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd meeting-room-booking-system