Web Performance Studies

My studies on web performance


Type Name Status
Article Front-End Performance Checklist 2021 πŸ“‘
Article Chrome’s Paint Flashing Tool πŸ“‘
Video Improving Page Performance in Modern Web Apps πŸ“‘
Video Speed Essentials: Key Techniques for Fast Websites πŸŽ₯
Video Improving Page Performance in Modern Web Apps πŸ“‘
Article Building the DOM faster: speculative parsing, async, defer and preload πŸ“‘
Article Improving React Runtime Performance πŸ“‘
Article Building the DOM faster πŸ“‘
Article Maybe you don't need Rust and WASM to speed up your JS πŸ“‘
Article Fast load times πŸ“‘
Video Demystifying Speed Tooling πŸŽ₯
Article Monitoring Your Core Web Vital (Performance) Metrics πŸ“‘

Performance Budget

Type Name Status
Article Chrome’s Paint Flashing Tool πŸ“‘
Article Start Performance Budgeting πŸ“‘
Article Performance budgets 101 πŸ“‘
Article Optimizing startup performance πŸ“‘
Article Setting a performance budget πŸ“‘
Article Responsive Design on a Budget πŸ“‘
Article Web Performance Budgets are more than mere thresholds πŸ“‘
Article User-centric performance metrics πŸ“‘
Article Operationalizing Performance with Performance Budgets πŸ“‘
Video Core Web Vitals - Measure what matters πŸŽ₯

Case Studies

Type Name Status
Article A Netflix Web Performance Case Study πŸ“‘
Video Performance Signup in React & Transactional Apps with Redux πŸŽ₯
Article Making Instagram.com faster: Part 1 πŸ“‘
Article Making Instagram.com faster: Part 2 πŸ“‘
Article Making Instagram.com faster: Part 3 β€” cache first πŸ“‘
Article Making instagram.com faster: Code size and execution optimizations (Part 4) πŸ“‘
Article A Pinterest Progressive Web App Performance Case Study πŸ“‘
Article Twitter Lite and High Performance React Progressive Web Apps at Scale πŸ“‘
Article React Performance Fixes on Airbnb Listing Pages πŸ“‘
Article The Road to Great Product Performance: The First Steps πŸ“‘
Article Zillow: Bigger, Faster, and More Engaging while on a Budget πŸ“‘
Article Gantry: Slack’s Fast-booting Frontend Framework πŸ“‘
Article A Tinder PWA Performance Case Study πŸ“‘
Article Treebo: A React PWA Performance Case Study πŸ“‘
Article How Mercado Libre optimized for Web Vitals (TBT/FID) πŸ“‘
Article Nikkei achieves a new level of quality and performance with their multi-page PWA πŸ“‘

Cache & Memoization

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Video Love your cache: Optimize for the second load πŸŽ₯


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Article <link rel=”prefetch/preload”> in webpack πŸ“‘
Article preload-webpack-plugin πŸ“‘
Article Webpack Prefetching/Preloading modules πŸ“‘
Article Speed up next-page navigations with prefetching πŸ“‘


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Video Image compression deep-dive πŸŽ₯

Browser APIs

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Article Adaptive Serving using JavaScript and the Network Information API πŸ“‘

Cumulative Layout Shift

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Article How I removed website layout shift using a predeploy script πŸ“‘
Article Measuring Cumulative Layout Shift πŸ“‘

Largest Contentful Paint

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Article Measuring Largest Contentful Paint πŸ“‘