
Simple RESTful WhatsApp API with Laravel 8

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Baileys Restful API with Laravel

An implementation of @adiwajshing/Baileys as a simple RESTful API service with multiple device support.


  1. Framework : Laravel 8
  2. Admin Panel : Crudbooster
  3. Backend Server : @ookamiiixd/baileys-api

Frontend Installation

  1. First clone or download this repository:
git clone https://github.com/saifulcoder/laravel-whatsapp-server.git
  1. Enter directory project cd laravel-whatsapp-server
  2. Execute composer install to install the dependencies.
  3. Setting the database configuration, rename .env.example to .env and open file at project root directory
  1. Setting the URL backend server configuration, open .env file at project root directory
  1. Run the following command at the terminal:
 php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
  1. Run laravel
php artisan serve --port=80
  1. Dashboard Admin

default email : admin@crudbooster.com
default password : 123456

Backend Installation

Simple RESTful WhatsApp API by @ookamiiixd/baileys-api .

  1. Enter to the backend project directory cd backend.
  2. Execute npm i to install the dependencies.
  3. You can start the app by executing npm run start or node ..
  4. Now the endpoint should be available according to your environment variable settings. Default is at http://localhost:8000.

Backend API DOCs

The API documentation is available online at here. You can also import the Postman Collection File (postman_collection.json) into your Postman App alternatively.

The server will respond in JSON format:

    success: true|false, // bool
    message: "", // string
    data: {} // object

Functions laravel-wa-server

Multiple Device
📁 Send text
Admin Panel
Multiple Users
User Privilege
📁 Send image, video, audio and docs coming soon
Send Buttons coming soon
Send stickers coming soon
Send stickers GIF coming soon
Send Bulk Message coming soon
Send Message with schedule coming soon
Receive message coming soon
Get Chat List coming soon
Get Chat Conversation coming soon
Webhook coming soon


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