
⚡Comprehensive Kubernetes Mock Exams Collection


Comprehensive Kubernetes Mock Exams Collection

This repository contains a series of mock exams designed to prepare individuals for Kubernetes certification exams. Each mock exam focuses on practical scenarios to test and enhance the user's problem-solving skills in a Kubernetes environment. Below is a brief overview of each mock exam:

Mock Exam 1

  • Focus on basic pod and deployment management.
  • Includes services and network policy troubleshooting.

Mock Exam 2

  • Covers advanced deployment strategies and resource limits.
  • Involves persistent volume and stateful set management.

Mock Exam 3

  • Emphasizes security contexts and network policies.
  • Troubleshooting services and ingress configurations.

Mock Exam 4

  • Deals with cluster maintenance and node management.
  • Includes monitoring and logging solutions.

Mock Exam 5

  • Focuses on application scaling and load balancing.
  • Advanced service connectivity and DNS resolution.

Mock Exam 6

  • Involves complex state management and multi-container pod configuration.
  • Pod affinity and anti-affinity specifications.

Mock Exam 7

  • Examines storage optimization and resource quotas.
  • Includes daemon sets and custom resource definitions.

Mock Exam 8

  • Troubleshooting cluster health and application deployment issues.
  • Handling node affinity and taints and tolerations.

Mock Exam 9

  • Advanced security with NetworkPolicies and PodSecurityPolicies.
  • In-depth examination of logging and monitoring utilities.

Mock Exam 10

  • Covers high availability, disaster recovery, and backup strategies.

  • Includes complex networking and persistent storage scenarios.

    Each mock exam is intended to reflect the type and difficulty of tasks that can be encountered in official Kubernetes certification exams, providing both challenge and comprehensive preparation.
    Feel free to contribute by adding more scenarios or updating existing ones to keep the exams up-to-date with the latest Kubernetes features and best practices.