
Reactjs App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Player Archive App

Application overview

Player Archive App consists of components and one main container App. Uses React as UI Library, Redux as a state container and Sass as css preprocessor.


Components are the key element of the application, and their importance comes from reusability. Components must be decoupled from the data itself, and should be generic to handle many types of data according to their instructions.


Containers are opposite when it comes to handling data, Containers must be aware of the type of data and act upon them. That's why I use stateful components to represent containers because they care about the application state. On the other hand, components are stateless

Naming Convention

file naming convention

I use the dashCase convention.

Player Archive App includes:
  • Stand alone node server for providing player and profile endpoints.
  • Unit tests with jest and enzyme
  • create-react-app for set up the App.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

yarn test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.

Main Dependencies
Dependency Use
react-bootstrap UI framework
react React Library
react-dom React library for DOM rendering
redux Library for unidirectional data flows
react-redux Redux library for connecting React components to Redux
redux-promise Promise middleware for Redux
redux-thunk Async Redux wrapping action creators
prop-types Runtime type checking for React props
express For providing server endpoint