
Wormie is a React-Native iOS app for requesting videos and live broadcasts from specific locations around the world

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Wormie is a React Native iOS app to request videos and livestreams at specific locations around the world.


  • Product Owner: Sunyoung Kim
  • Scrum Master: Nick Fujita
  • DevOps: Charlie Harrington
  • Development Team: Sunyoung Kim, Nick Fujita, Charlie Harrington

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Requirements
  3. Development
    1. Installing Dependencies
    2. Tasks
  4. Team
  5. Contributing


Users can request videos at specific locations with optional deadlines. Users who are near a desired location can respond to an open request and capture a video of the content that the other user requested, creating a "wormhole" connection between those two users. Once a request is fulfilled, all users of the application can view and browse the submitted video wormholes.

Example use cases for Wormie involve capturing a subject or moment of interest at a specific location (e.g. "Is there a line outside this brunch spot right now?"), or a video between 2 separate points of interest (e.g. "I'd like to see a video of walking across the Golden Gate Bridge.")


Open new video requests

Connect with livestreams

View completed video requests

Discover venues



  • React Native: 0.15.0
  • React Native modules
    • Camera: 0.3.8
    • Collapsible: 0.5.4
    • FacebookSDKCore: 0.0.7
    • FacebookSDKLogin: 0.0.7
    • File-Upload: 1.0.4
    • Google-Place-Autocomplete: 1.1.6
    • Google-Static-Map: 0.1.5
    • Icons: 0.7.0
    • Mapbox-GL: 2.0.0
    • Material-Kit: 0.2.2
    • Safari-View: 0.1.4
    • Scrollable-Tab-View: 0.3.2
    • Video: 0.6.1
    • WebRTC: 0.2.2
    • YouTube: 0.5.0
  • Redux: 3.0.4
  • Redux-Thunk: 1.0.0
  • Socket.io-Client: 1.3.7
  • Moment: 2.10.6
  • OAuth: 0.9.14
  • QueryString: 0.2.0


RESTful API Server

  • Python 3.4.3
  • Django: 1.9
  • Django REST Framework: 3.3.1
  • Postgres


  • Node
  • Express
  • GraphicsMagick


  • AWS EC2
  • Docker
  • iOS Store (Wormie is currently in App Review)


Installing Dependencies

From within the orig_client directory:

npm install

From within the server directory:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

From within the gm_server directory:

npm install

From within the socket_server directory:

npm install

Running Locally iOS

  1. Download Xcode from the Mac App Store
  2. Navigate to the Wormie.xcodeprog in orig_client/ios folder
  3. Open it in Xcode and run the project


View the project roadmap here


See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.