Manipulation: String


Play around with various kind of string manipulation capabilities in JavaScript.


  • Mostly texts


  • Concatination
  • Upper case
  • Lower case
  • Title case


  • Transformed texts

Level 0

  • Create some simple sentences that stored in different variables
  • Those values inside those variables should not be changed
  • If you want to create a new value, you should create a new variable
  • Log those strings to the console
const sentenceA = "Hello World!"
const sentenceB = "Good Bye!"

  • For all the programs you write in the following days, use concise comments and indentation to better serve your code
// This is a comment
 * Also a comment
 * with multiple lines

Level 1

  • Combine those different sentences into one sentence
const sentenceC = sentenceA + " " + sentenceB
  • Try to use string template literals to save time
const sentenceD = `${sentenceA} ${sentenceB}`
  • Again, log those strings to the console

Level 2

  • Transform all the characters of a string into different case of letters: uppercase and lowercase

Input example:

"Hello World"
"Good Bye"

Output example:


Level 3

  • Transform all the characters of a string into title case

Input example:

"hello goodness"

Output example:

"Hello Goodness"
  • You are free to change the value of your variables