
A video demo can be found on youtube here


This app requires an endpoint whose repo is here if you want to run your own instance. Otherwise, you can also use the current herokuapp running here: '' with the caveat that it is not maintained, goes to sleep after 30min of inactivity, is load restricted and could be terminated anytime.

To get started you also need a few external accounts (free and freemium):

and a bunch of dependencies that can be installed with yarn or npm

To make the app work you'll need a folder config and a file config.js in it with the following format:

export default variables = {
    endpoint : '', 

    G_Places_API: 'abc',

    G_firebase_key: "efg",
    fire_authDomain: "",
    fire_databaseURL: "",
    fire_projectId: "xxx",
    fire_storageBucket: "",
    fire_messagingSenderId: "123",
    fire_appID: "foo:bar",

    default_pic: '',
    landingScreen: 'Home',
    destination: 'CDG', 
    sessionid: '190901SQ1000CDG',
    airlinename: 'ECAir',
    initialState: 'loggedin', //use 'loggedin' to start logged-in
    userid: 'Batman',
    userlang : 'default', //use 'default' to start the normal app

It is a pretty standard set up with expo which tutorial is here: You'll also need the expo app on your phone or an emulator to see it running. Once expo is running you need to run expo start and scan the QR code (or press the a key to see it running in an emulator)

That's quite a long set up, and many things can happen in between. If you have any issue, you can ping me here or in linkedin

Have fun